pp108 : Converting Controls

Converting Controls

This topic describes the procedure to convert controls.

You can convert a control to another control without affecting the properties and events associated with it.

  1. Open the XForm in the XForms Designer.
  2. Right-click a control, select Change To, and select the appropriate option from its sub-menu.

Depending on the option you select, the control is converted to another control.


  • You cannot convert a primitive control (such as Input, Password, Output, and Textarea) into a grouping control (such as Table and Groupbox) and vice versa.
  • The Code Snippet, Button, Image, and Frame controls cannot be converted to other controls and vice versa.
  • When you convert a Check control into a Radio control, two radio buttons display to indicate the True and False values of the Check control.
  • When you convert grouping controls, the constituent primitive controls are converted appropriately. For example, on converting Tab Pages in a Tab Group to a Table control, the fields (primitive controls) are displayed as columns in the table.